Gender Inclusion
Munger, Tolles & Olson is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment for all visitors and employees.
The firm prides itself on being at the forefront of workplace inclusion and pursues policies to ensure that everyone feels welcome, including people of all genders. To that end, the firm actively encourages the use of personal pronouns (for example, “they/them/theirs” or “she/her/hers”) in email signature blocks, firm materials such as the website and business cards, and at all firm events.
At Munger, Tolles & Olson, we recognize the importance of these measures to create a culture where all people feel seen, respected, and valued. Often, people assume another person’s gender based on appearance, name, and other socialized cues for gender. However, this assumption can be harmful for a person who does not identify as the gender that others may ascribe to that person. For intersex, transgender, non-binary, and gender nonconforming people, the act of using incorrect pronouns can be hurtful and may imply that their identity does not or should not exist. When cisgender people, or people who identify as the gender that matches their assigned binary sex at birth, provide their pronouns, it normalizes the practice and makes it easier for non-cisgender people to also provide their pronouns in an open environment. This removes the onus on gender nonconforming people to create the space to provide their pronouns or explain their gender identity, which can be a marginalizing experience, and instead helps to build a workplace that is actively committed to affirming and honoring each individual’s unique identity.
To prevent anyone in our firm community or extended community from being mis-gendered and to take the onus off of gender nonconforming people to educate those around them about gender issues and their individual pronouns, Munger, Tolles & Olson deliberately encourages all employees to provide their pronouns and practice allyship and inclusion every day in the workplace. The firm celebrates its diversity and invites you to do the same.
For more information about Munger, Tolles & Olson’s robust diversity and inclusion initiatives, please feel free to contact [email protected].